Welcome to the Magpie community!


Welcome to the Magpie community. The help center community consists of posts and comments organized by topic. Posts might include tips, product feature requests, or questions. Comments might include observations, clarifications, praise, or any other response that's part of a typical community forum discussion. The community is available to help you solve questions about Magpie without having to contact support directly. We offer the community to all Magpie users, in the hopes that they can join us in improving the quality of Magpie.

You can use search or you can browse the topics and posts using views and filters. See Getting around the community.

When posting to the community, please include details about the Magpie instance that you’re using and the problem being faced when posting a topic.

If there are errors, please copy them exactly into the post. Please remember that these postings are public and be careful not to leak any privileged data or information.

Thanks, and welcome to the Silectis Magpie community!



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