AWS Access Key Credentials
{ "credentialType": "AwsAccessKey", "accessKeyId": "<string>", "secretAccessKey": "<string>" }
Structure Values
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
Default |
credentialType |
String |
The type of credential. |
Required |
accessKeyId |
String |
The access key ID part of the keys. |
Required |
secretAccessKey |
String |
The secret access key part of the keys. |
Required |
{ "credentialType": "AwsAccessKey", "accessKeyId": " AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "secretAccessKey": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" }
Azure Service Principal Credentials
{ "credentialType": "AzureServicePrincipal", "tenantId": "<string>", "clientId": "<string>", "clientSecret": "<string>" }
Structure Values
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
Default |
credentialType |
String |
The type of credential. |
Required |
tenantId |
String |
The tenant (directory) ID that target resource resides in. |
Required |
clientId |
String |
The client (application) ID of the Azure AD service principal. By default, Magpie uses the cluster’s default client ID and secret. |
Optional |
Magpie cluster client ID |
clientSecret |
String |
The client secret of the Azure AD service principal. By default, Magpie uses the cluster’s default client ID and secret. |
Optional |
Magpie cluster client secret |
{ "credentialType": "AzureServicePrincipal", "tenantId": "fb74c09d-d7de-4f68-b826-35bc80cc288f" }
Azure Shared Access Signature Token Credentials
{ "credentialType": "AzureSasToken", "token": "<string>" }
Structure Values
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
Default |
credentialType |
String |
The type of credential. |
Required |
token |
String |
A generated SAS token for the storage account or container. |
Required |
{ "credentialType": "AzureSasToken", "token": "?sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&si=myPolicyPS&sig=NAxefF%2BrR2ubjZtyUtuAvLQgt%2FJIN5aHJMj6OsDwyy4%3D" }
Azure Shared Key Credentials
{ "credentialType": "AzureSharedKey", "key": "<string>" }
Structure Values
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
Default |
credentialType |
String |
The type of credential. |
Required |
key |
String |
The access key for the storage account. |
Required |
{ "credentialType": "AzureSharedKey", "key": "lLrCcuiWVsLCoEXAMPLEBjs/ivkLEEXAMPLESU3Nu27ybphEXAMPLEmwjMwMHoHxEXAMPLE/UhLowWQ==" }